About Me

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El Segundo
Make art not war. I drink copious amounts of tea. Slaughterhouses make me cry. I am obsessed with food, and as such, I eat constantly. Music makes me loose control.


Am sitting in AKL waiting to board a plane from Christchurch to Dunedin. Feels odd being all by my onesy, but somewhat surprisingly not overwhelming or daunting at all. Half expect to see the fam pop out of nowhere.

Trip over from LA was alright. Had somewhat bland but vegan food on plane. Quite a few episodes of turbulance. Watched "27 Dresses," "Rachel Getting Married," and part of "RocknRolla." Practically sobbed throughout all of "Rachel Getting Married" for various reasons... thoughts of brother included. Took a bit of a nap - 4 hours or so.

People here are very friendly. At every time I have had to move my ridiculously heavy and large bags, I was offered help.

Hahaha, there's a shitload of students; wonder how many I'll actually end up knowing...

The Day After Tomorrow

If all goes as planned, the day after tomorrow will be absolutely nonexistant, lost amongst the days of my life. The day after tomorrow is Saturday, and if I get on that plane tomorrow night, Saturday will vanish as I cross the international date line. Woot.

But fuck damn...

So, here's the story. I will most likely leave LA Friday night. I will land at AKL on Sunday morning. But then here's the shitty part: I might not be able to get on a flight to Dunedin until Monday morning. Meaning (this is for any dimwits that may be reading my whine-fest), I will be spending the night in an airport terminal. Fun, right?? However there are 19 flights daily from AKL to DUD everyday, so hopefully just ONE person decides to cancel/stay put in Auckland.



vegan insomnia Pictures, Images and Photos

Street Art Heaven aka Melbourne

One of my newest must-visit locations is Melbourne, Australia. (Hahaha, ironically, my dad really wanted me to consider the Uni there...) This is mostly due to the rockin' alternative culture (just check out melbournestreetfashion.com - I follow it religiously), and partly due to the thriving street-art in the city. (Sadly though there are currently out-of-control brush fires sweeping the state of Victoria, leaving hundreds of people and animals dead). Here are just a handful of random images I found:


And then here's a random image I found that I also just happened to fall in love with:
Colorful City Pictures, Images and Photos
A rainbow town... just my kind of town. I will find this street someday...or at least some street that gives me an equivalent feeling of elation.

PostSecret Bondage



Except I refrain from throwing down beats in airplane lavatories. Only because those things are way too small for me to spread my legs adequately.

(That last bit was a joke... I swear...)

My Last Supper

Tonight's Top Chef left me in a pensive, food-related state... yet again.

On tonight's episode, the contestants were asked to prepare the ideal last meals of some real top chefs, which in turn got me pondering about what my last meal would be if I could have my choice.

The only thing came to mind was a LTA (lettuce, tomato, and avocado) sandwich on toasted white bread. Nice and simple. (So simple that I can hardly believe it myself, but I really can't think of anything better.)

Now mind you, the ingredients would ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY have to be top quality. Like I am talking about the freshest, crispiest lettuce imaginable with a juicy, not-too-ripe-or-sweet, firm tomato (maybe VERY lightly seared just for a bit of caramelization, while completely retaining my desired firmness). It would be crucial, too, to have the freshest avocado, thinly and evenly sliced.

The lettuce should be seasoned with just a dash of salt and a touch of pepper. The tomato would be in the middle and VERY lightly drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. The avocado too should be just barely touched with the EVOO (Rachel Ray's fave term) and it would not be frowned upon to have the toast on the avocado side flickered with vinegar.

Warm, freshly made plain white bread should be toasted to the color of caramel for the meal.

Cut diagonally would be ideal.

And an arnold palmer on hand to wash it down with.

...And that ladies and gentlemen is a meal I would indeed die for.


Melbourne Street Fashion Pictures, Images and Photos

I cannot go online and not check out that shizz. The good, the bad, and the ugly; they all sensuously call my name, invite my fickle judgement, and encourage my sometimes snide remarks. And sadly, it may be a step down from that other street fashion blog of mine (Elle Magazine's Street Chic).

Whatev. I'm gonna go OD on electronica now. I'll leave you with my fave chicks of the week though (courtesy of melbournestreetfashion.com). Au revoir!




(Isn't that last chick super gorgeous?!?!???!?)

I'm sorry, but I was so fucking tired (still am, actually)

In retrospect I would like to apologize for what an idiot I sound like in that last blog entry. I swear I'm not THAT idiotic.

I shall do as every other fuckup does; offer an excuse.
I was tired.

Broadening my horizons and expanding my vocabulary.

So its 3 in the morn and to be quite frank, I'm bored as fuck. I've done all the usual things (watched a ridic amount of youtube vids, myspace/facebook stalked, taken stupid, but time-consuming quizzes, etc. ) to try to relieve myself of this by-product of insomnia. I even went to Wikipedia and started typing in random things to see what it would say about about whatever popped into my head. During one of these nonsensical knowledge binges, I found my fave new word - bloat (noun, not verb; and you may be wondering why such a word - oh the lovely peculiars of the crimson wave...). Besides being "the act of filling up one's cheeks with air," a bloat is also a collective noun for a group of hippopotami!


And of course I went on to try to find a picture as the definition was to me, but alas, all I got was a bunch of pictures of sick dogs D:

Viruses Hinder Bloggage

Yeah, so as the title may suggest(or may not if you think that far out of the box - more props to you, mate), my computer is plagued with viruses.

That are still present.

And I SWEAR I haven't been looking at porn.

It blows.

Happy Birthday:

...it reminded me of mcsexonlegs, but c'mon, what doesn't?

and she's cute too