How incredibly naive, ignorant, and childish I am at times.
I am 18 years old.
Legally I am an adult, but those who know me would prolly argue otherwise... as demonstrated by my usage of 'prolly'. In any case, I am on the precipice of adulthood; shouldn't I be at least a bit disillusioned by life by now? Shouldn't those fantasies of traveling, doing nothing in particular, financial security regardless of whatever I end up doing or not doing, finding true and pure love have passed by now?
Well, they haven't. I constantly dream of a life full of smiles, hidden intimate moments, and just pure satisfaction.
Sometimes this juvenile optimism makes me even more aware of my lack of experience in 'the real world.'
I hate being so optimistic, sometimes if only because to avoid the condescension that others so lovingly bestow on my being.
Good times.
About Me

- Sharlovely
- El Segundo
- Make art not war. I drink copious amounts of tea. Slaughterhouses make me cry. I am obsessed with food, and as such, I eat constantly. Music makes me loose control.