About Me

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El Segundo
Make art not war. I drink copious amounts of tea. Slaughterhouses make me cry. I am obsessed with food, and as such, I eat constantly. Music makes me loose control.

Stars Among Planets

I feel like there are certain people in life that in memories will shine brighter than others, and no dipshit, I do not mean family and close friends.

In my case, looking back at all my eighteen years of memories, there are three people from my childhood and three people of my recent past that stand out (Lets call them persons A through F).

Some of these people have geniunely affected my life, and some are just lost friends/aquaintances that randomly find themselves in my thoughts. All are people I don't think I will ever forget.

Person A: Matt Something from kindergarten - he had Patrick Dempsy like hair but was blonde. He was also very flamboyant and my first crush. What is noteworthy is that I can't imagine him growing up. When I try to do so, he grows up to be a cokewhore and a wasted individual. I don't try anymore.

Person B: Kymberly Something from standard one - a very shy little girl. Also one of the nicest girls I had ever met. I distinctly remember that she would wear a pink headband with a bow and a cream coloured cardigan. I think I googled her once and actually found her. I am so creepy. (OH, and I wrote a journal entry about her when I first came to the States, and I remember the teacher absolutely refused to accept her name spelling, told me I spelled it wrong, and made me change it while simultaneously sparking the breaking of the spirit).

Person C: Anita the Korean girl - She wasn't a mean girl, but she gave me my first taste of how mean the world could be when she told me my religion wasn't real and that Christianity was the only real and true religion in the world. I was six. And left very confused as religion was crucial to my being at that age. It wasn't all bad, as it gave me my favorite memory of my grandfather (to whom I confided and who comforted - without condemning/speaking negatively of her in any way).

Person D: Kay - Sure she's a close friend, but even if we were to loose touch I would never be able to forget her. Not until after 2027. (NOT a random year).

Person E: That foreigner that got deported - I feel like we will be friends for a long time to come. Arguing for most of that time, but underneath it all, there is an inexplicable understanding. Even when certain phrases won't translate.

Person F: Juan McSexonlegs - the infatuation is still there. I find myself randomly making up scenarios in my head in which we run into each other in the far future (or I contact him) we hit it off. Troubling though are the characteristics my imagination has chosen for him...miserable, lonely, suicidal, alcoholic, etc. I also randomly wonder if he's alive because he has to be or because he wants to be.